Cattive-Ragazze Cattive ragazze

Year: 1992

Duration: 01:31:06

Directed by: Marina Ripa di Meana

Actors:  Eva Grimaldi, Florence Guérin, Anita Ekberg

Language: Italian

Country: Italy

Also known as: 


This movie is (at least until now!) the only directorial effort from italian gossip queen Marina Ripa Di Meana, and I’m still wondering what legion of “influential friends” she was capable to move if you consider that “Cattive Ragazze” was done using public money from italian cultural department!
I don’t share the hatred shown on many reviews this flick received: it is not surely a masterpiece but I think it has its moments…. Try to imagine a soap opera done by John Waters (Serial Mom era) with a sprinkle of Russ Meyer’s frantic comic book humour, all encased in an eighties’ look.
In brief: a recently divorced woman (Eva Grimaldi) falls in love with a sort of gigolo/stripper man. The couple is closely menaced by the crazy, bloodthirsty mother of ex-husband (Anita Ekberg!), and from the stripper’s girlfriend and her lesbian midget sidekick (Florence Guerin and Debbie Lee Carrington) until the “dramatic” end. The movie also features a very confused Burt Young (here he seems almost uncapable to understand the plot) and cameos from Kid Creole and Apollonia Kotero. Eva Grimaldi can’t act but she’s gorgeous!!! The end titles song is sung by Donatella Rettore.
I decided to put this movie under the “Exploitation” category not because of the subject (all in all, along with some T&A and SM scenes, it sports a slight feminist theme) but mainly for its exploitation of public money.
“Cattive Ragazze” was a major box-office flop, doesn’t have a proper dvd edition and was rarely aired in the past on Mediaset TV at very late hour. Enjoy!!!



Cattive ragazze 1992