Cat and Mouse movieLe chat et la souris (original title)

Cat and Mouse movie Run time:
Cat and Mouse movie Rating: 6.7
Cat and Mouse movie Genres: Comedy,Crime,Drama
Cat and Mouse movie Director: Claude Lelouch
Cat and Mouse movie Writers: Claude Lelouch, Les Films 13

Cat and Mouse movie Stars: Michèle Morgan, Serge Reggiani, Philippe Léotard

Cat and Mouse movie Year: 1975
Cat and Mouse movie Source: Cat and Mouse movie
Country: France
Language: French
Also know as: Seven Suspects for Murder, El gato, el ratón, el amor y el miedo, I gata kai to pontiki, Az egér és a macska, Il gatto, il topo, la paura e l’amore, Czy zabila?, O gato, o medo, o rato e o amor, Cat and Mouse, Eine Katze jagt die Maus,


Cat and Mouse 
Cat and Mouse  (Subtitles)

