8 Votes

tt0130907 Agnus Dei Nonnebørn (original title)

duration Agnus Dei Run time: 1h 30min
heart Agnus Dei Rating: 6.7
genre Agnus Dei Genres: Drama
info Agnus Dei Director: Cæcilia Holbek Trier

info Agnus Dei Writers: Cæcilia Holbek Trier, Crone Film Produktion A/S

star Agnus Dei Stars: Amalie Dollerup, Kirsten Rolffes, Bodil Jørgensen

list Agnus Dei Year: 1997
list Agnus Dei Source: imdb_id Agnus Dei
Lou de Laage, the breakout from Melanie Laurent’s Breathe, is Mathilde, a conscientious nurse with the French Red Cross stationed in Poland right after the war and looking after wounded Frenchies hoping to go home. Her life changes when a Polish nun comes to ask for her help and won’t take no for an answer, which leads to a visit to a nearby nunnery under the cover of night
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Also know as: Jumalan karitsa, Agnus Dei,

Agnus Dei