5 Votes

tt0264100 Abandoned Torzók (original title)

duration Abandoned Run time: 1h 40min
heart Abandoned Rating: 7.3
genre Abandoned Genres: Drama
info Abandoned Director: Árpád Sopsits

info Abandoned Writers: Árpád Sopsits, Budapest Filmstúdió, Duna Televízió

star Abandoned Stars: Tamás Mészáros, Szabolcs Csizmadia, Attila Zsilák

list Abandoned Year: 2001
list Abandoned Source: imdb_id Abandoned
When his mother becomes debilitatingly ill, Aron’s abusive father consigns him to a Dickensian orphanage. Aron manages to overcome both the casual cruelty of the children around him, and the harsh and pointless discipline of the adults. He grows into the leadership role among the children, and when one of them breaks down and kills himself, Aron organizes an escape attempt.
Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian
Also know as: Abandoned,
