Train Station Pickups movie

Year: 1979

Duration: 01:21:00

Directed by: Walter Boos

Actors: Marco Kröger, Katja Bienert and Ingeborg Steinbach

Language: Funny Dubbed English

Country: West Germany

Also known as: Die Schulmädchen vom Treffpunkt Zoo | Confessions of a Sixth Form Virgin

Description: Directed by sleaze merchant Walter Boos. Deals with various teenagers who hang around the train station scoring drugs and selling their bodies. It has a gritty realistic feeling half hazardly dealing with drug abuse but not to be taken seriously. It combines PORKY’s style locker room humor and prostitution. – Taken directly from Christiane F. but has no redeeming qualities. Simply a fun 70’s sexploitation flic with young high school girls.



Train Station Pickups
