26 Votes

Eden-no-sono Eden no sono

Year: 1980

Duration: 01:45:56

Directed by: Yasuzo Masumura

Actors: Domiziano Arcangeli, Leonora Fani, Ronni Valente, Angela Goodwin

Language: English

Country: Italy | Japan

Also known as: Garden of Eden, Giardino dell’Eden, O kipos tis Edem

Description: Here is the much sought after softcore/coming of age classic. A teenage pick-pocket thief meets a protected adolescent girl at an culture art gallery while intending to take her wallet. He falls in love with her and attracts her to inaccessible strip of seaside where he pretends his swiped motorbike has busted down and they are stuck. An unexpected romance pursues.



Eden no sono 1980