Creezy Creezy

Year: 1974

Duration: 01:28:05

Directed by: Pierre Granier-Deferre

Actors:  Alain Delon, Sydne Rome, Jeanne Moreau

Language: French (Hard English Subbed)

Country: France | Italy

Also known as: Creezy, mujer objeto; Elite Group, The Man Who Gets What He Wants, La race des ‘seigneurs’

Description of Creezy movie: Delon plays a young but ambitious socialist policies in the most difficult moment of his life – he needs 24 hours to snatch a chance to get a ministerial post in the emerging government. For him, this is a breakthrough and Delon ready for this bend all the ram’s horn . But the matter is complicated by the fact that in this , the most inopportune moment , he is having problems on the personal front . Mistress, a famous model , tired of maintaining relations with extremely irregular busy politician throws Delon and one in short breaks between the political struggle , rushing around Paris trying to find it …

Review: Storyline went quite simple – a young politician convulsive attempts to become a minister . He is ready to rapidly make promises and go for new alliances . It is important not to miscalculate their chances . However, all thoughts of our candidate occupied a large bust of Sidney Rum . He is in love with her ​​, knowing that the novel prospects.

The presence of numerous flashbacks in the romantic line unexpectedly brings a picture with ” little things in life ” by Claude saute . However, please note that Sidney is not straightforward Romy Schneider , and the phenomenon is much more simple. In the frame with Delon they have not obtained any ” chemistry feelings “, however , and perhaps such was the idea of the director.

Delon did not do anything extraordinary, his talent and professional approach draws on the picture is quite watchable level . Although annoyed me great pompous judgmental tone condemning hidden venality leftist leaders. “Who would have guessed that everything has its price ,” – just can not say I like the moves .



Creezy (1974)