Aphrodite, Goddess of Love movie

Year: 1958

Duration: 01:40:23

Directed by: Mario Bonnard

Actors: Isabelle Corey, Anthony Steffen, Irène Tunc

Language: Italian(English subtitles)

Country: Italy

Also known as: Slave Women of Corinth, Venus Last Goddess, Aphrodite – Göttin der Liebe

Description: In the 67 AD the leader of Corinth, Antigono, decides on the orders of Emperor Nero, to construct a temple dedicated to Aphrodite. He commissions the sculpting of the statue to Demetrius (Anthony Steffen) who chooses for his model the ambitious Diana (Irène Tunc), but meanwhile he falls in love of another slave, the Christian Lerna (Isabelle Corey). Demetrius converts to Christianity. A plague afflicts Corinth, and Antigono blames the Christians and orders them all to be burnt alive, taking the side of the Romans to bring back order. Who will save Demetrius and Lerna? One of last films of the veteran Mario Bonnard, who worked in cinema from 1909. It is a fast-paced, eloquent and ingenuous peplum that can be appreciated for its anachronistic difference from the customary dumb gladiator films. The musical score is by the extraordinary composer Giovanni Fusco (1906-68). One of the scriptwriters is Sergio Leone.




Afrodite, dea dell’amore

English subtitles
