4 Votes

Symphony-of-Evil Coda

Year: 1987

Duration: 01:39:54

Directed by: Craig Lahiff

Actors: Penny Cook, Arna-Maria Winchester, Liddy Clark

Language: English

Country: Australia

Also known as:  Deadly Possession, Symphony of Evil

Description:  The arthouse anticipation thriller “Coda” is about in the saint areas of academia. Puzzle develops after the kill of a music graduate when she fells down from the building of a campus. After that another girl is put in the hospital after an attack on the street and the mistaken man was arrested and placed in jail. But a maniac in mask goes on killing young women, college students of the campus. An Aussie adventure story in the Hitchcock style with referrals to Vertigo and Dial M for Murder. The film has a good sound cover by Frank Strangio and was filming at Flinders University.



Coda (1987) / Free Download