Of-Dolls-and-Murder Of Dolls and Murder

Year: 2012

Duration: 01:10:05

Directed by: Susan Marks

Actors: John Waters, Jamie Bowen, Darrolyn Butler

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: –

Description: Starting from the “dollhouses murders scenes” of Frances Glessner Lee that were precursors to the crime scece investigations, the film brings a vision of the social fascination with crime and how “CSI” and similar shows have affected the current investigation notions of the public and how those compare to reality.

Review: A documentary with a very interesting subject that goes through the wide specter of subjects related to murder scene investigations.

The premise is the best of the movie, especially with the John Waters narration, but that is ill-explored to the expectations created.

Not very inventive, but very clarifying.



Of Dolls and Murder – 2012