Year: 2009
Duration: 01:26:17
Directed by: Fruit Chan
Actors: Rachelle Murphy, Reshad Strik, Eli Roth
Language: English | Romanian
Country: USA | Japan |South Africa
Also known as: A Semento do Mal, Shoot, Koita hamila, Al tabitu lemala, Nao Olher Para Cima, Don’t look up – Das Bose kommt von oben
Description: The evil spirit, released on freedom during the filming, makes a film crew slowly go insane…
Review: From the beginning, the head comes the realization that this film can hardly boast of anything interesting or original, and the viewer gets to see this masterpiece, having only a timid hope that your time will not be killed completely, well, maybe even half. Of course, in this situation on a more or less satisfactory assessment tape claim just is not right.
Very, very mediocre plot together with the same actors (which, frankly, seemed even worse than the idea) brings boredom, so the view is not even marred by ugliness, things happening on the screen, and by the idiocy, and not amenable to the logic of events, although the story , like, some even included a love story, which, ostensibly, and had to move beyond the “live”. Alas, failure, and irreversible. But, I repeat again, the movie was doomed from the start, despite the fact that in 2009, during the implementation of even the most horrible ideas could make a “nice” at least picture. Fruit Chan scored on all the components of a good horror film, somehow concluding that his masterpiece already earned good reviews.
Sane seems only the first part of the movie – the one where they show black-and-white movie: Let the curve, but at least has an explanation that the shooting came back in 1928. By this even do not want to nitpick, but not so on the extension and the “colored” version of the scene. By the way, just seems horribly derailed by Japanese horror films with their notorious “Service”: the flies flying around, and the girls eyes twist (show not terrible, but very ugly), and the visions of the past catch up, although in the middle of the antics of the protagonist Marcus, with its eternal “Oh, I see a vision!” procedures are a nuisance, because it already seems incredibly stupid. And when you consider that in addition to the exterior of Reshad Strik shine nothing, then the actor still seems out of place here at all.
Ahhhh fuck. Eli Roth?
Eli… fucking… Roth?
He is to Horror as Quentin Taratino is to “I own the Grindhouse name”. I have no respect for the man.
That’s all. Just had to rant.