The Diary movie

Year: 1999

Duration: 01:29:39

Directed by: Nicolas Weber

Actors: Lila Baumann, Abigail Olegski and Jason Davies

Language: English

Country: Germany | UK | France

Also known as: Cahiers intimes

Description: Lila Baumann plays the lead character in the movie Diary written and directed by Nicholas Weber released in France in 1999. Lila was also cast in the subsequent productions of the series

I was on my once a week DVD hunt one night, had to do it fast because it was getting late, after scanning about 500 titles in three different stores, i saw this single solitary DVD on a lonely shelf… it had a synopsis of about two sentences and a PG rating! I can only buy one DVD so i passed over it and browsed on to others, when all the rest of the titles were Hollywood crap, i came back to buy it because it had a butterfly on the cover. When i watched it at 2AM… GASP! the guy who put a PG rating on the cover ought to be hanged! the entire opening credits alone was worth two NC-17 ratings! Not much story but have good production values, nice soundtrack, and pretty women! Up until this film I thought the Brits depended upon the French for erotic entertainment…



The Diary 1999
