18 Votes

Senza-buccia Senza buccia

Year: 1979

Duration: 01:39:07

Directed by: Marcello Aliprandi

Actors: Olga Karlatos , Juan Carlos Naya , Maurizio Interlandi

Language: English

Country: Italy , Spain

Also known as: Skin Deep

Description of Senza buccia movie: A lovely Italian sexplo comedy from the golden age. Superhot Lilli Carati and the beautiful Olga Karlatos (Murder Rock), plus the Hungarian Illona Staller, upcoming porn star known as Ciccolina. Enjoy the sexy naked ladies, various Italo hits of the ’70s and some charming romance.

A young boy Daniel is resting in a company of friends on the beach, but he was not lucky with women. The situation changes when they rescue a boat with a couple of nudists from Norway. Beautiful blonde brings confusion to the company. The remaining vacation all go naked, making love, jealous of each other …



Senza buccia 1979