La-liceale-al-mare-con-lamica-di-papa College Girl on Vacation

Year: 1980

Duration: 01:25:33

Directed by:  Marino Girolami

Actors:  Renzo Montagnani, Marisa Mell, Alvaro Vitali

Language: Italian

Country: :Italy

Also known as: La liceale al mare con l’amica di papà, La nena cañón y Don Máximo el ligón, Itan bobos kai ton fonazan hazoharoumeno, La liceale al mare con tutta la classe, João Broncas e a Liceal, Flotte Teens – Runter mit den Jeans, Liebe unter 18,


Well I didn’t think that I could discover this film in a severe catalogue! I don’t understand whether this crazy comedy is extremely popular outside Italy (I don’t consider therefore), but into the number of Italian sexy comedies is among the many amusing. The tale is a typical pretext of “sexual hunt” and “marriage prohibitions”, but with a great deal more black colored humour. The main personality, a “servant husband” that tries unsuccessfully to betray his tyrannical wife, crosses the same show of misadventures, but this time he’s additionally kidnapped by two strange criminals, additionally the spouse refuses to pay the ransom. Filmed extremely poorly, and in a childish way, anyway it’s wonderful, and it has two, three sexy scenes (no more). But this movie is also important because it is the genuine end of a period of Italian cinema: “La liceale al mare con l’amica di papà”, and some other individuals, shut up definitively the age of sexy comedy.




College Girl on Vacation 1980