Skullduggery movie

Year: 1983

Duration: 1:35:30

Directed by:  Ota Richter

Actors:  David Calderisi, Wendy Crewson, Thom Haverstock

Language: English

Country: Canada

Also known as: Warlock, Blood Puzzle, A morte em jogo

Description: One day Adam with a couple of friends and girlfriend Barbara decided to play role-playing Board game. All anything, Yes only the whole race of Adam 600 years ago, it was a curse, sometimes interfere to distinguish reality from fiction, so for players of harmless fun soon turned into a bloody nightmare.

Revered amongst many a bad movie aficionado, the Great White North’s 1983 contribution to the slasher genre, SKULLDUGGERY, is an amazing effort. Not only does it hurt, but it also pours salt on the wounds by adding in the air of role-playing games and community Renaissance theater rejects in this tale of a man cursed to kill nerds and scantily-clad lasses.



Skullduggery 1983
