6 Votes

I-Miss-You-Hugs-and-Kisses I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses

Year: 1978

Duration: 01:27:23

Directed by: Murray Markowitz

Actors: Elke Sommer, Donald Pilon, Chuck Shamata

Language: English

Country: Canada

Also known as: Left for Dead (USA, video title) | Drop Dead, Dearest (UK)

Description: A model is bludgeoned to death in a garage.

Her husband is the one to find her and due to her being famous there is great media coverage.

But he soon goes from grieving widow to suspected killer since their marriage was going bad.

During the trial many unknown stories about the two of them and extra-marital affairs come to light.

Who did in fact kill her?

Based on the rel life murder of Christine Demeter. This is one the Video Nasties.

“Magdalena Paint was brutally murdered in the garage of his own house. On suspicion in the murder was arrested, her husband Charles, a successful businessman of Hungarian origin. By all indications he expects a life sentence.”



I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses – 1978