12 Votes

Eyeball_1975 Eyeball

Year: 1975

Duration: 01:28:25

Directed by: Umberto Lenzi

Actors:  Martine Brochard, John Richardson and Ines Pellegrini

Language: Italian | German | English

Country: Italy

Also known as: El ojo en la oscuridad, Eyeball: Un Ojo en la Oscuridad, Kirmizi Elbiseli Katil, Labyrinth des Schreckens,  The Devil’s Eye, The Eye, The Secret Killer, Wide-Eyed in the Dark

Description: A group of American tourists traveling to Spain was terrorized by a maniac in a red coat. He kills the poor travelers, and not just killed but poked their eyes. Mark realizes that these crimes can somehow be related to the death of his wife. Several months ago, she was found dead in a pool. Meanwhile, tourists continue to be the victims of a bloody maniac. Mark needs to know why the maniac carves victims eyes …



Eyeball 1975