43 Votes

A_Serbian_Film_2010 Serbian Film

Year: 2010

Duration: 01:39:31

Directed by: Srdjan Spasojevic

Actors: Srdjan Todorovic, Sergej Trifunovic, Jelena Gavrilovic, Katarina Zutic, Slobodan Bestic

Language: Serbian (English subs)

Country: Serbia

Also known as: Srpski film, A Serbian Film – Terror sem Limites, Serbskiy film

Description: Porn star takes on the role in the film, not realizing that the director of this film – a killer. After they started shooting, the film turns into a bloody horror movie with rape and snuff scenes

Review: Whole Serbian film that can be described in one word. And the history of porn old, retired, and the desire to do such a mad director of “art,” and all the other characters that appeared in the frame. Film provocation turned to 100 percent.

Final shocking. Situation in which there was a poor family indescribably disgusting and nauseating. It is these feelings should call the film a normal and healthy person. The authors go on the edge, giving us an episode by episode “prohibited personnel.” On such perversions you can not even guess.

What is happening is shown with nasty accuracy and detail. Emotions as viewing “Antichrist” von Trier. The only difference is that the “Serbian Film” does not claim to genius. Scenes from porn movies, blowjob, close-up of genitals, sex with a donkey, incest … and much more.

I remember the old movies the 70’s (“Sweet Life,” “Pink Flamingos“), built on a similar scheme. Displayed on the screen all on what is classified as “taboo.” And if bestiality, pedofilizm, homosexuality, etc., are no longer give the impression that we need new “fantasy” and perversion. in “Serbian film” them enough to excess.



A Serbian Film 2010