Os_Violentadores_de_Meninas_Virgens Os Violentadores de Meninas Virgens

Year: 1983

Duration: 01:18:31

Directed by: Francisco Cavalcanti

Actors: Salvador Amaral, Francisco Cavalcanti, Suely Conti, Pinho Delmar

Language: Portuguese (English subs)

Country: Brazil

Also known as: Rapists of Virgin Girls, The Violators of Virgin Girls

Description: A group of wealthy men hire a pimp to provide them with virgin women to rape. Then they proceed to kill them. One innocent man gets involved when he identifies one of the kidnapers and all hell breaks loose!

Review: In Sao Paulo wielding gang led by a pimp Marcos. They kidnap virgins and sell them to wealthy clients. After being raped, murdered girls. Kidnapped 16 victims, the police have no evidence. Laundry owner Pedro saw his neighbor stole group of healthy children at the scene, he found a button on the suit. One client came to the laundry, and Pedro immediately recognized him as one of the kidnappers, besides, his jacket was missing the very button. Having decided to follow him, he does itself no favors, now thugs declared hunting for him and for all those who are dear to him …



Os Violentadores de Meninas Virgens

Os Violentadores de Meninas Virgens (English subs)