Honor-and-Glory Honor and Glory

Year: 1993

Duration: 2:07:17

Directed by: Godfrey Ho (as Godfrey Hall)

Actors: Cynthia Rothrack, Donna Jason, John Miller

Language: Hongkong | USA

Country: English | Cantonese

Also known as: Zong heng tian xia (original title), Honor y gloria, Angel the Kickboxer, Onore e gloria, Honor i chwala


This time it’s a mashup of 1993’s Honor & Glory and it’s HK alias Angel The Kickboxer – both cuts featured a shitload of exclusive footage (Yukari Oshima didn’t feature in the US cut at all) so this was just begging to be edited into one big steaming pile of pure Frankenstein-ian Rothrock-osity!

English audio prevails except for the bits edited in from the HK cut which feature the batshit crazy Chinglish subs that frankly make the flick all the more watchable.

racey Pride (Cynthia Rothrock) is an FBI operative, appropriately skilled in the martial arts, whose sister (who also knows her stuff!) is an anchorwoman for a major news network. She’s uncovered evidence of major wrong-doing by banking boss Jason Slade (John Miller II) which he’s eager to silence.

When I settle down to watch a video quality Cynthia Rothrock MA movie, I just want to unwind and enjoy all the corny silliness of it in peace. But the plot to this unheard-of entry into her CV is just too complicated for a film of it’s ilk and as such before it had even ended I’d just lost interest in it. Cynthia’s absent for large chunks of the film, and the plot wavers about too much involving too many characters that soon make the whole thing a pretty boring experience. Even the standard martial arts aren’t much fun to watch, too restraining and not forceful enough, not to mention pretty hilarious (especially the main bad guy on the front cover using what looks like a giant leaf rake as a weapon!) Pretty much a loser all round really.



Honor and Glory 1993