Criminal-Act Criminal Act

Year: 1989

Duration: 01:32:51

Directed by: Mark Byers

Actors: Catherine Bach, Charlene Dallas, Nicholas Guest

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Tunnels

Description of Criminal Act movie: This movie sucks, badly, i shit you not.. So many wasted potentials: Daisy Duke doing some karate, rat people, homeless people, John Saxon and a psychotic midget. Definitely not “so bad it’s good” but plainly “bad bad”, so if you’re going to download this don’t blame me for your wasted ratio. You’ve been warned.

not as criminal as the other reviewers would seem to have you believe, 27 March 2003
Author: Leigh Buckley Fountain from Richmond, VA

This is not that bad for an eighties horror. I had to weigh in because of the overwhelming amount of bad reviews. Yes, the premise of odd tunnels directly under a newspaper building containing a Ratman (who does look a bit like Tiny Tim) and a bunch of jailed homeless people is not only stupid, but barely even coherent here. But it has quite a bit of camp value with John Saxon, Catherine Bach and Mel from Mel’s Diner in the 70’s sitcom Alice. Enjoyable little hour and a half flight for genre fans. That is, admittably bad 80’s horror fans.

This is one bizarre movie. I think it is tounge in cheek, but I am not sure. Lots of TV notables from Alice, Dukes of Hazard, etc. Strange sets and set-ups, a humanoid rat that does not look like a rat (looks like Tiny Tim), homeless people and the white slave trade.



Criminal Act (1989)