Quick-draw_Okatsu Quick-draw Okatsu

Year: 1969

Duration: 01:28:45

Directed by: Nobuo Nakagawa

Actors: Junko Miyazono, Reiko Ônobuta, Kô Nishimura, Kenji Imai

Language: Japanese (English subs)

Country: Japan

Also known as: Yoen dokufuden: Hitokiri okatsu

Description: Quick Draw Okatsu (1969) serves up much more of the same in richly saturated color (the better to enjoy the unrestrained bloodletting) and with an enhanced revenge quotient. This time around Miyazono plays Okatsu, the beautiful, sword-savvy daughter of a fencing-school master. When Shiozaki, the local political jackal, comes sniffing around to ask for hand in marriage, Okatsu’s father bluntly refuses him. Shiozaki, who’s otherwise engaged in fleecing the local farmers, promptly connives to saddle Okatsu’s brother with a massive gambling debt so her father will be forced to sanction the unholy union. When he still won’t play ball, Shiozaki consigns him to a harrowing fate while taking his pleasure from a reluctant Okatsu. She later escapes with the aid of Rui, an enigmatic female drifter who’s equally skilled with a sword—and who runs around in a period-defying mini-skirt! Having escaped the frying pan, Okatsu is dropped into the fire, being drugged and sold into prostitution by the sleazeball couple that murdered her brother. It’s now way past time for some Big Payback, so Okatsu and Rui begin carving their way through Shiozaki’s lackeys until Okatsu finally corners the craven coward and serves him his just deserts.



Quick-draw Okatsu 1969

Quick-draw Okatsu 1969 (English subs)