21 Votes

The_Nun_AKA_La_monja_(2005) Nun (2005)

Year: 2005

Duration: 01:41:40

Directed by: Luis de la Madrid

Actors: Anita Briem, Belén Blanco, Manu Fullola, Alistair Freeland

Language: English

Country: Spain | UK

Also known as: La monja

Description: The film is first and foremost I liked the storyline. Having read the description, you can tell, I was just fascinated by how events will unfold, and a desire to see the film only grew.

When I looked at it, I realized that he does not particularly have not caught on. Even the story, which I liked so on IMDbPro, faded on the screen.

Watch the movie was boring! All events unfolded smoothly and gradually. As such, the horror I saw, not because the audience tried to scare bad, but because there was nothing wrong, what could rely. Even the image of a nun does not frightened, though his face ghost did surprisingly literacy scary.

Review: Frankly, before watching the movie “The Nun» by Luis de la Madrid (Horrible Sexy Vampire) did not expect anything better than another standard horror TV quality. But in reality, that is, to watch, often happens that horror with ghosts are slightly better than their counterparts on the same genre, but with a Yeti, zombies or representatives of the animal kingdom. And this movie does get a little more quality than everyday horror filled the television network, though it is not fair and it took away from the traditional qualities of the genre and his own traditional postulates.

So surprise the audience who returned from the dead nun and vengeful group of teenagers naturally sort out along the entire view this mystical situation obviously will not work. But the point “following the canons of the genre and style of” creators obviously learned – and this is by no means a disadvantage. After all, good old-fashioned atmosphere with dilapidated abandoned buildings, empty spaces, steady rain, the traditional night-time of the day, bright flashes of light illuminating at times dark corridors, darkness, dust and potential terror still goes to such projects only benefit. A feature of the ghost to appear, accompanied by H2O not only extracts the villain of the total mass of shadowy, but also directly echoes the prehistory of the major events of the film.

Computer effects muddy evil nuns performed well qualitatively, and pour all the objects thoroughly with water makers have not forgotten. Murder is not just a flight of fancy or a villain than nailed on his way – they are diverse and meet the same strategy (by the way, the original), even on top of it and do not guess.



Nun (2005)