Tendres_cousines__Cousins_in_Love_1980 Tendres cousines

Year: 1980

Duration: 01:28:16

Directed by: David Hamilton

Actors: Thierry Tevini, Anja Schüte and Valérie Dumas

Language: French (English subs)

Country: France | West Germany

Also known as: Ömma kusiner, Cousins in Love, Czula kuzynka, Gyengéd unokatestvérek, Hellät serkukset, Primas, Tender Cousins, Tenere cugine, Tiernas primas, Tryferes exadelfes, Zärtliche Cousinen, Zärtliche Cousinen – Ein Sommer voller Leidenschaft

Description: The action of this movie is in a village in France in 1939. 14-year-old boy falls in love with his cousins. Each of them is trying to seduce him.

Review: The film brought together everything that likes to do in his films, David Hamilton (Laura and Extreme Vengeance). Light haze, carelessness, luxury, summer, nude girl of incredible beauty, youth, desire … This film will have nothing else, well, there is no specific ideas or philosophy. Hamilton watch movies – it’s like in the summer heat to wallow in the ear and pulling teeth – like not doing anything, but soooo good. Explicit scenes not rich (by the standards of the time), but with all this cooler any modern porn. From an aesthetic point of view – a real Hard Candy.



Tendres cousines 1980

Tendres cousines 1980 English Subtitles