Madeinusa Madeinusa

Year: 2006

Duration: 01:39:42

Directed by: Claudia Llosa

Actors: Magaly Solier, Carlos J. de la Torre, Yiliana Chong

Language: Spanish | Quechua (English subs)

Country: Peru | Spain

Also known as: Pienet neitsyet

Description: When I first read the title I thought it had to do with the USA – it doesn’t. Madeinusa is just the teen heroine’s name (quite common in Peru, pronounced “Mah-day-ah-noosa”.)

For residents of the small highland Peruvian village feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ – the main event of the year. During the week before the holiday is considered that God is dead, sin does not exist, and people are allowed to do what in the rest year of the forbidden. The bitterness of poverty here is adjacent to the richness of religious rituals …

Review: I can not say that he was impressed with this film Madeinusa. Oh, and sdelanovssha – is the name of the protagonist – the daughter of the mayor of a remote Peruvian villages.

The movie tells about the events occurred with a man who was fated for a short time in this awful place.

I think that if we take the most coarse, the film Madeinusa about the hunger for information.

A small village, cut off from the world of bad roads and the lack of even a telephone connection was blessed by mail for the development of the monstrous and disgusting as the very prejudices rot and other nonsense. Here religion is mixed with paganism and logical thinking with insanity. Generated so schizophrenia, ruling in the collective unconscious of the village struck the minds of every citizen.

If we extrapolate this picture on individual mental, then we get the human mind, exposure to destructive or degenerative manifestations in the condition of the insulation (including isolation) from the outside world. It seems morbid state of mind at both the individual and group level and was verbalized and visualized in the film.

So what? Just think, eka wonder who would doubt and believed the opposite

Review #2: The picture Madeinusa I first saw on the “Festival of Spanish Cinema”, with me than going to such events is rare.

The story of a provincial town in Peru, where time and the progress of civilization has long stopped, retaining the old traditions and rituals. The film tells about a few days of a great holiday, which year after year waiting for the peasants, in order to determine the most beautiful virgin in the village. Against the background of this holiday, comes a young man from the capital of Lima, and is amazed to all the principles and practices, which adhere to the local.

Aesthetic compliance director gave a superb, on the one hand showing this nonsense, but on the other hand, as people continued to live as their ancestors, thus there is no globalization and “brainwashing” the information society.

I do not think that someone would meet this picture by accident, but for true connoisseurs of the genre this film will go on the soul.



Madeinusa 2006

Madeinusa 2006 (English subtitles)