28 Votes

Feathers-in-My-Head Feathers in My Head

Year: 2003

Duration: 01:45:50

Directed by: Thomas De Thier

Actors: Sophie Museur, Francis Renaud, Ulysse de Swaef

Language: French (English Subs)

Country: Belgium

Also known as: Des plumes dans la tête, La pérdida

Description of Feathers in My Head movie: Jean-Pierre Blanche led the life of a pastoral bliss in the small town together with their little son, Arthur. Mother and child spend their days communicating with citizens and walking in the nature. One afternoon Arthur went for a walk one, and since then nobody has seen him.

Review: The couple lived body to body , soul to soul , cute – touchingly idealistic custody of his child, being reconciled with their neighbors and loved ones suffering because offense was not for that, nor life , no one else – almost idyllic picture of happiness and well-being, tayaschimsya broken in coppice guy overseeing the raging birds , sometimes experimenting on themselves.

The diary notes record each day alone , keeping the date of trial without purpose and effect , keeping a mystique and sense of purpose, as long as a man and a woman take everything from life , sharing her happiness with her son. Do not suggesting not foreseeing without guessing , and just living .

Movie leaves the impression of a detached single – appropriate chronicles the tragedy , according to custom, the thudding of the blue , knocking and knocking the consciousness of the rut . The director seems to be calmly and unemotionally dissects misfortune , avoiding any display of emotions accented by minimizing the value of dialogue, limited terse remarks , only underscores the gaping void. The work of Thomas de Thier is to create intuitions phrases and visual connections , which he drives the mechanism of sensual perception of short stories that grew into a full-fledged novel capacious .

Arthur ‘s a good boy instantly endeared himself with sincerity and trust, as suddenly disappear, falling to nowhere with a hint of irrevocability by breaking his mother’s disappearance intelligence and integrity of the family. Created by the director of the scenic design is determining the sequence and combination of actions for building a very clear causal figures figurative speech , resorted to by De Thier , while not overburdening the actors, but requiring them to genuineness , achieved organic plastic faces and bodies that become elements installation personnel, seriously competing for the artistic power , not hiding the aesthetic power.

A woman does not let the vision of her son , and her husband does not know the way to keep to yourself a wife. Not that insanity is not a weakness, not … not … not … They do not know what happens to them , and no one would be in a shocking tragedy could not understand what is happening , powerless to help keep in the family. Old mechanism does not work , but there is a new driven by dubious teenager – naturalist , playing with them , looking at the game frolicking birds.

Back in the beginning, linking together the natural nature of all things, extending the cycle of birth and decay in circulation , the human body or a fallen bird carcasses , rotting in the foam of the waves of acid , crystal clear movie marked the continuation , as well as its result, derived from interviews with horny young men , as opposed to a broken man , urging her mother that life goes on , and left the loss of the past , to give to the future – the young and strong, full strength.



Feathers in My Head (2003)

Feathers in My Head (English Subs)