21 Votes

La-cerimonia-dei-sensi The Ceremony of the Senses

Year:  1979

Duration:  1:54:39

Directed by:  Antonio D’Agostino

Actors:  Franco Pugi, Ornella Grassi, Camillo Besenzon

Language:  Italian

Country:  Italy

Also known as:  The Ceremony of the Senses, Ceremonia de los Sentidos

Description:  A young accident victim is unconscious in his hospital bed . His subconscious projects him into a world where he is the new Messiah. He going to live through terrible adventures in a decadent and corrupt society until his crucifixion …

First film of Antonio d’Agostino (Eva Man, Bathman dal Pianeta Eros…) and of famous Italian hermaphrodite Eva Robin’s.
I couldn’t find any review in english, it may be more arthouse than exploitation anyway it’s quite a strange and disturbing movie.

D’Agostino’s extravagant very first movie recalls Pasolini’s Salò but he provides us his very own specific vision, exploiting his abilities as an old painter, creating an increasingly blasphemous work and using us into a dreamlike journey (better, a journey fluctuating between a dream and a nightmare) through a psychological world where the subconscious of a youthful man, after a serious automobile accident, projects the prospective while lying on a health center bed. D’Agostino keeps on playing by exactly what is genuine or not, showing obscene and provocative tableaux vivants, imbued with incredible religious and heretic strenght. It’s the trip of this young guy as a reincarnation of Messiah, fighting against totalitarian and fascist culture. Quickly he will become a danger to your governmental, appropriate or religious leaders, who obscenely conjure in purchase to hold on working out depravation, corruption and repression in the individuals, while indulging within the worst orgiastic excesses. It appears to be like the reinterpretation of Bible and Christ’s martyrdom, transposed into the 70s, along with an up-to-date neofascist Salò or simply just in which Pasolini’s teens is the young people and the SS executioners and senior officials the frontrunners of contemporary Italy, in dirty collusion with Church and high classes.

Therefore such a a strange and captivating film, with an unrepeatable series of pictures and scenes each increasingly more extravagant, with sequences both grotesque and disgusting (scatophily, urophily, orgy, heresy, bestiality, violence), where the Christ is the link.



La Cerimonia dei Sensi 1979