Female-Chauvinists Female Chauvinists

Year: 1976

Duration: 01:22:44

Directed by:  Jay Jackson

Actors:  Marge Anderson, Roxanne Brewer, Cheryl Cato

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Farm der Superhexen, Farm der wilden Mädchen

Description:  A professional photographer directs a girl associate clandestine to penetrate a “training” camp powered by activist lesbian feminists. Her lover knockoffs being deaf-mute and gets abused by the female chauvinists, who end up gang raping him.

Review: Dozen (usually naked) feminists (led by a militant older woman) stay at a
remote house with a pool. Roxanne Brewer (a redhead with an impossible bust)
goes “undercover” to help expose the group (and takes a slo mo topless
horseride). Her boyfriend poses as a mute gardener and a photographer friend
sneaks around. This sex comedy is filled with lesbian and/or outdoor sex
scenes. UschiDigart has a dream about a sperm bank and token black Deborah
McGuiremasturbates with a Dr. Pepper bottle. Also with Candy Samples and
eight otherlesser known beauties (with more average figures). It would be a
soft core classic for fans of women with huge breasts, but is ruined by
(lots of) badly edited inadditional hard X inserts and scenes.



Female Chauvinists