17 Votes

Hotel_Paradiso_1980 Hotel Paradise

Year: 1980

Duration: 01:26:39

Directed by: Edoardo Mulargia

Actors: Anthony Steffen, Ajita Wilson, Cristina Lay, Stelio Candelli, Stelio Candelli, Luciano Rossi, Aldo Minandri

Language: Italian | English

Country: Spain | Italy

Also known as: Hotel Paradise, Orinoco: Prigioniere del sesso, Blood for Liberty, Prison Sex, Escape from Hell, Slave Sex

Description: Somewhere in Amazon jungles there is a secret jail, where imprisoned women mine diamonds for their masters. A new group of prisoners who will soon arrive in the prison managed to escape with the help of local revolutioners. Now they want to free  all arrestants, get the jewels and kill prison guards.



Hotel Paradiso 1980

Hotel Paradise (1980) Uncut Version