26 Votes

Escape_from_Hell_1980 Escape from Hell

Year: 1980

Duration: 01:32:59

Directed by: Edoardo Mulargia

Actors: Antonio De Teffe (a.k.a. Anthony Steffan), Ajita Wilson, Christina Lai, Luciano Pigozzi, Cintia Lodetti, Serafino Profumo, Anna Maria Panaro, Maite Nicott, Yael Forti, Zaira Zoccheddu, Adelaide Cendra, Angela, Martinelli, Gilberto Galimberti

Language: English

Country: Spain | Italy

Also known as: Femmine infernali a.k.a. Hellfire & Ice 2, Escape, Savage Prison, Hell Prison

Description: Women’s prison, located in the lush tropical jungle. Sadistic guards and wardens make life of the prisoners a real hell. The slightest violation of regulations is punishable by cruel and ruthless. In the end, no more endure brutal treatment forces the guards, the prisoners raised a revolt and escape from prison … Filmed by Edoardo Mulargia – the author of Hotel Paradise wip flick

Review: The film “Escape from Hell” was the progenitor of a series of films about women’s prison. Women’s prison, located in the dense tropical jungle. Sadistic guards and supervisors make life almost unbearable prison. The slightest violation of the regulations is punishable by cruel and merciless. The prison doctor was horrified to watch what they are doing guards mocks women. Of despair and powerlessness to help the unfortunate, the doctor drowns the pain in alcohol. In the end, no longer having the strength endure brutal treatment of the guards, the prisoners raised a rebellion and escape from prison … The film is full of all kinds of killings, torture. Although they are not shown so openly and firmly, but still please fans of this movie. Adventure component appears near the end, when Dr. Farrell and the girls run away from his pursuers by impassable jungle. Taken all this, by the way, very well.
There are scenes of sex and lesbianism, but not enough, so that the picture was related to pornography. A lot of violence and blood, but still not enough, the film was classified in the horror genre. The film was banned in the UK.

Escape From Hell is most notable for one of the best whipping scenes I’ve seen in a mainstream film. It also has a rape and a gang rape which has a full frontal – followed by a rape from behind. The women are attractive. The well known is porn star George Ajita Wilson (Hell Penitentiary and Sadomania). In these women in prison films they never seem to have the budget to dress the inmates, so they have make do with as little clothing as possible. There are even more nude scenes than two rapes and a whipping. But back to the whipping – the whip makes contact and leaves a mark several times. This could be accomplished with some red something or other on the whip but its easy to believe she actually being whipped. Many of the actresses in specialty porn which includes whipping are actually whipped. Face down on a log, her shirt is ripped open – her tits and ass are spilling out. Some crazy looking prison boss is exorting the ? on. I’ve scene some lousy versions of this scene on the net but the wipfilms.net version is far superior. Very nice indeed. I rate the nudity five stars – attractive women – full frontal – legs spread – four or five instances – at least three prolonged.  This film would likely get an “NC17” but it’s not a porn film, it’s a prudish ratings board that doesn’t know a porn when they see it. The film is dubbed. Four and a half stars for nudity – lot’s of full frontal, even pussy.



Escape from Hell 1980