51 Votes

Salo_120_Days_of_Sodom Salo: 120 Days of Sodom

Year: 1975

Duration: 01:56:38

Directed by: Pier Paolo Pasolini

Actors: Paolo Bonacelli, Giorgio Cataldi, Umberto Paolo Quintavalle, Aldo Valletti, Caterina Boratto, Elsa De Giorgi, Hélène Surgère, Sonia Saviange, Ines Pellegrini, Renata Moar, Antineska Nemour, Antonio Orlando, Franco Merli

Language: Italian | English | Russian

Country: Italy | France

Also known as: Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma, Die 120 Tage von Sodom, Saló ou 120 Dias de Sodoma, Salò eller de 120 dage i Sodoma

Description: Pasolini attempted to debunk his popular trilogy of life (The Decameron, The Canterberry Tales, The Arabian Nights) with his film Salo: 120 Days of Sodom. Take a mix of the Marquis de Sade’s book of the same name, a mix of Dante’s Inferno, update to Fascist WWII Italy and you get the acclaimed Italian director’s last film. The story involves a group comprised of the town of Salo’s elite (Banker, Magistrate, etc.) retreating to a chateau in the mountains.

Faced with a new sense of power they have under Mussolini’s social republic, the group round up local teens and perform out depraved fantasies that are told to them by an aging group of whores. Many consider this work to be one of the most disturbing films ever made. Beyond the endless scenes of coprophagy, I found the pacing to be the most unbearable part of this film. Pasolini was stabbed to death after the films completion.

P.S. It’s the sickiest film I ever seen! Asian movies with tortures and blood is nothing in comparrison with this. To be true I didn’t like it, I published it only because it belongs to the WIP genre



Salo 120 Days of Sodom English.mp4

Salo 120 Days of Sodom Italian.avi

Salo 120 Days of Sodom Russian.avi