5 Votes

Fiancee_of_Dracula_2002 Fiancee of Dracula

Year: 2002

Duration: 01:35:05

Directed by: Jean Rollin

Actors: Cyrille Iste, Jacques Orth, Thomas Smith, Sandrine Thoquet

Language: English (English subs)

Country: France

Also known as: La fiancée de Dracula, Dracula’s Fiancee, Draculas Braut

Description: So what have we here today you may ask.  Well with the recent sad passing of French Master Jean Rollin we took the opportunity to round out our collection of his films.  In the process we noticed that some of the films that are here in the collection could use upgrading.  This little flick jumped out as our first chance to share with the folks here at wipfilms.  In addition to upping the bitrate and making a larger rip this time we also went with dual audio {the existing version only has French audio}.  Our version has both French and English audio tracks, we also included English subs for those that still prefer to listen to the original French track.

Professor and his assiastant are searching for Dracula’s descendants a surreal parallel world. These creatures look like human, but actually they are evil demons. Finally professor meets a beautiful woman from a nun Order, who can help him in his journey.



Fiancee of Dracula 2002

Fiancee of Dracula 2002 (English subs)