5 Votes

The_Wrath_Of_Silence Wrath of Silence

Year: 1994

Duration: 00:55:33

Directed by: Frankie Chan

Actors: Frankie Chan, Ping Ha, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Emily Kwan

Language: Cantonese (English subs)

Country: Hong Kong

Also known as: Chen mo de gu niang

Description: I’ll get right to the point – the serial killer/rapist in this movie is really perverted. As if the raping and killing wasn’t enough, he assaults the victims by throwing cockroaches on them first!

The plot doesn’t really make any sense sometimes and there are huge plotholes but the movie always manages to stay entertaining. It is one of those movies that mixes genres like they only can (could?) do in Hong Kong.

Anita Yuen plays a beautician who works on corpses which makes her a bit of an outcast. Takeshi Kaneshiro plays her psychiatrist. Her odd work has also brought her some unlikely friends like a gangster who is grateful to her for making his father look good after he had been shot so many times he looked like Swiss cheese.

Basically, a violent and disturbing film. A psychopathic killer is on the lose. A couple of girls get murdered and raped. Our main character sets out on a quest to catch the murderer for personal reasons. As the genre suggests, it’s a horror. And believe me, it’s a horror. What the killer does is not nice. This film should really be rated R since there’s implications of sodomy and sadism. Though I can’t say this is a lousy film, but the humorous parts just ruin the whole seriousness of the film which is really a pity. Takeshiro Kaneshi (the Japanese hunk) makes a surprise appearance in the film as the doctor.



Wrath of Silence 1994