6 Votes

Triumphs-of-a-Man-Called-Horse Triumphs of a Man Called Horse

Year: 1983

Duration: 1:24:01

Directed by:  John Hough

Actors: Richard Harris, Michael Beck, Ana De Sade

Language:  English

Country:  Spain | USA | Canada

Also known as: O Triunfo de Um Homem Chamado Cavalo, Den hvide indianers hævn, El triunfo de un hombre llamado Caballo, Mustien vuorten kulta, Le triomphe d’un homme nommé Cheval, A fehér törzsfőnök, Shunka Wakan, Horse – den siste triumf, Triunfo do Homem Chamado Cavalo, Reis, Triumph des Mannes, den sie Pferd nannten

Description: The son of the hero Harris, a half-breed Beck, trying to protect the Sioux Indians from greedy white settlers.

This is the third and the final part of the trilogy “Man Called Horse”. Very difficult to find and sadly never released on DVD.

Very enjoyable western, specially for those who like this trilogy. There is a lot of action which reminds me of spaghetti western at moments. Aging Richard Harris had a supporting role in this one. There were two young actors in main roles,  Michael Beck as Koda and beautiful Ana De Sade as Redwing. They both did a great job and were true stars of the movie.



Triumphs of a Man Called Horse 1983