10 Votes

Swinging-Wives Swinging Wives

Year:  1971

Duration:  1:32:28

Directed by:  Ernst Hofbauer

Actors:   Astrid Frank, Eva Garden, Karin Götz

Language:  German

Country:  West Germany

Also known as:  Der neue heiße Sex-Report – Was Männer nicht für möglich halten, Raportti petetyistä aviomiehistä, The New Hot Report: What Men Don’t Think Is Possible, Als mannen dat allemaal zouden weten

Description: Another sexy German sex report film, The Swinging Wives aka Der Neue heiße Sex-Report: Was Männer nicht für möglich halten aka Maßlose Teenager aka The New Hot Report: What Men Don’t Think Is Possible….yeah, there’s a lot of titles, I researched them all to make sure it wasn’t already here. This one is primarily concerned with sexually repressed housewives in stories told by average Joe types interviewed in the street by a reporter. Features Astrid Frank from “Au Pair Girls”.  Features a swingin’ soundtrack by Gert Wilden, same as the schoolgirl report series.

Was Maenner Nicht Für Möglisch Halten is similar to the « Hausfrauen Report » movies, exploring women’s conjugal and especially extraconjugal sexual affairs. You know what to expect, of course : lots of nudity and softcore sex, plus fake interviews in between.



 Swinging Wives (1971)