9 Votes

Best_Friends_1975 Best Friends

Year: 1975

Duration: 01:23:29

Directed by: Noel Nosseck

Actors: Richard Hatch, Susanne Benton and Doug Chapin

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Fatale Freundschaft

Description: Two pals fresh out of the military head home across the country via a rented motorhome. With their girls in tow, they learn more about life, living and the hell that it holds for all of them. Directed by Noel Nosseck, the film maker of a wip movie Without a Kiss Goodbye

Review: I got intrigued by this after seeing the trailer in the recent “42nd street forever” compilation, because it’s the only trailer in there that doesn’t make it clear what the title of the film is, lol ! seriously, there was no on-screen text, just a song (by rick cunha) about best friends, and i think some voice-over narration, but the words “best friends” were only used in plot-descriptive sentences (as opposed to this-is-the-title-of-the-film exclamations) like : “best friends take a trip across country”, or : “they were best friends for life” (i don’t remember the exact sayings anymore and have deleted the trailers file already…) ; luckily somewhere on the net there was a list of titles of all the trailers in the order in which they appear, so once i had that i looked for it on imdb ; i didn’t wanna read about the plot and spoil something, but when i saw the poster and taglines i said to myself : “wait a minute ! that’s not what the trailer was about”.



Best Friends