Nuit-Rouges Nuits rouges

Year: 1974

Duration: 01:40:20

Directed by: Georges Franju

Actors:  Gayle Hunnicutt , Jacques Champreux , Josephine Chaplin

Language: French (Italian  Sub)

Country: France – Italy

Also known as: Shadowman

Description:In 1974, Georges Franju reunited with his “Judex” screenwriter Jacques Champreux (the grandson of Louis Feuillade) to make a miniseries for French television, “L’homme sans visage” (“The Man Without A Face”), reinventing the French crime serial of the silent days for a contemporary French audience. The film was then released to theaters in a condensed and partly reshot version called “Nuits rouges” (“Red Nights”) that became one of the earliest acquisitions for a fledgling US company called New Line Pictures. They dubbed the film into English and called it “Shadowman.”

Champreux himself plays Shadowman, an arch-criminal mastermind and master of disguise in the mold of Fantomas. He is assisted by Gayle Hunnicutt who steals the picture in a protracted cat burglar scene staged on a studio recreation of the rooftops of Paris. Gert Frobe, Goldfinger himself, plays the detective determined to capture them.

The film’s only home video release in this version came in the earliest days of Beta and VHS on the Cult Video label

Review: Franju channels Feuillade as a mysterious criminal organisation preys on Paris. This is light entertainment with just enough strange and sinister situations to keep the viewer engaged. It isn’t a comic romp as the cover image suggests, but in keeping with the spirit of Feuillade there is an innocent or even childlike quality to the far-fetched antics of the murderous gang.



Nuits rouges (1974)

Nuits rouges Sub