4 Votes

 Devil's Exorcistel-juego-del-diablo Devil's Exorcist

Year: 1975

Duration: 01:20:25

Directed by: Jorge Darnell

Actors: Inma de Santis, María del Puy, Jack Taylor

Language: Spanish

Country: Spain

Also known as:      Alucinaciones,      El juego del diablo,      Erastis mou o Satanas

Description: From the director responsible for Tiempos duros para Drácula and Un Camino comes this demonic possession story. Yet another teenage girl falls in the clutches of Devil and starts behaving strangely. You won’t see an exorcism, there’s absolutely no nudity and the story doesn’t seem to go anywhere in particular. It doesn’t matter, because Darnell is a fantastic director and this film is as visually impressive as any film by any master of Euro horror and there are also some terrific and imaginative nightmare sequences featuring the always great José Ruiz Lifante (naturally as the bogeyman).



Devil’s Exorcist (1975)