15 Votes

Tropic-of-Cancer Tropic of Cancer

Year: 1972

Duration: 01:30:49

Directed by: Giampaolo Lomi, Edoardo Mulargia

Actors:  Anthony Steffen, Anita Strindberg, Gabriele Tinti

Language: English

Country: Italy

Also known as: Al tropico del cancro , Death in Haiti , Eglima stin Aiti , Inferno unter heißer Sonne , Thanatos stin Aiti

Description: Tropic of Cancer is another rare giallo, mysterious murder of which are deployed to Haiti in the magic atmosphere of voodoo.

 Nothing to do with Henry Miller’s infamous novel of the same title, this exotic thriller is an attempt to combine the giallo and horror genres, plus a touch of mondo thrown in for good measure (the film asserts that ‘documentary sequences were filmed from life and are completely authentic’). Consequently, there is an orgiastic voodoo rite, in which the participants are clearly in a state of delirium, a cock fight, and a spectacular marriage ceremony which provides the backdrop for the revelatory finale. The film is suffused with stereotypical racist notions, playing upon some white people’s fear of a black crowd, and of black sexuality (Strindberg, who is an ineffectual heroine, has nightmares in which she appears naked surrounded by virile young black men). Notwithstanding its predictably racist subtext, the film (accidentally) captures the atmosphere of Haiti, while the numerous deaths – the demise of Stelio Candelli’s character is particularly nasty – and the riotous climax are reasonably effective.



Tropic of Cancer