4 Votes

The_Carpenter_1988 The Carpenter

Year: 1988

Duration: 1:27:13

Directed by: David Wellington

Actors: Wings Hauser, Lynne Adams, Pierre Lenoir

Language: English

Country: Canada

Also known as: Ciesla, Sirkkelimurhaaja

Description: When Martin came home from work, he found that his wife cutеув his suit to pieces. She (Alice) already had such attacks in the past, and her husband found it necessary to send her to a mental hospital, so that she lay down there for a while. A few days later she was released – she is still not mad, just has some nervous disorders and sometimes sees things that do not exist in reality.

This was a weird film, by looking at the cover images and reading the plot you would think this was a slasher,well it is and it isn’t. Its more of a thriller/suspense/slasher in my opinion you’ll see what I mean when you watch it. It does have some nice kills in it like a dude getting both his arms hacked off with a buzz saw, another guy gets crucified to the floor with some screw drivers,another gets a drill gun through the neck.  I did enjoy “The Carpenter” though, was very different from what I was expecting.



The Carpenter 1988 | Free Download