4 Votes

Maya- Maya

Year: 1989

Duration: 01:34:04

Directed by: Marcello Avallone

Actors:  Peter Phelps, Mariella Valentini, Erich Wildpret

Language: English

Country: Italy

Also known as: Maya, O Ritual de Fogo

Description: There’s something strange going on among the ancient ruins in South America. From the director of SPECTRES (Spetteri).

MAYA is probably one of the best late eighties Italian horror films (most of which were by this point laughably absurd). It is undeservedly obscure and this German DVD from the Dragon label is as far as I am aware the only DVD release this film has had.

Avallone’s movie is full of inexplicable supernatural incidence, regular violent deaths and also throws in some steamy, sweaty sex scenes to keep its audience entertained.

A Blonde travels south of the border seeking the murderer of her father who has been stabbed in the chest on an altar atop a ziggurat. She hooks up with a former associate of her father – a beachbum deadbeat deep sea diver who spends his days smoking pot and stiffing the local fishmonger and bar owner as he is always broke from gambling away his money on chicken fights and finger popping displays of hand wrestling.

Also in the area are two obnoxious badly behaved American teen hoodlums (one of whom has a laughably improbable dubbed Southern hick accent and flounces around like a kid from FAME). They attempt to rape the hot petrol pump girl (the divers girlfriend) and become the victims of an unseen supernatural force.

Further murders occur in bursts of well staged violence and wince inducing gore and more sweaty sex is had. This continues until the film reaches a fairly thrilling climax in a ritual on top of the ziggurat.



Maya 1989