7 Votes

Robocroc Robocroc

Year: 2013

Duration: 1:24:30

Directed by: Arthur Sinclair

Actors: Corin Nemec, Lisa McAllister, Keith Duffy, Dee Wallace

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Robotkrokodil, Robokrok, Robokrokodyl, робо-крокодил

Description: Top-secret space ship when you enter the atmosphere is wrecked. Its fragments fall into the pond with crocodiles. And space has developed a droid for the military program. These battle droids enter the body of a crocodile and give the command to his nervous system as to destroy people!

“Robocroc” refers to that category of films called “movies out of the garbage” that has no place on the big screen, if it were a TV or DVD or something else. In the nomination “the worst film of the decade”, he would have won first place! Such mindless idiocy, with a complete lack of plot and common sense, I’ve never met.

When you view was the feeling that I’m not watching a movie and Amateur video length: 80 minutes. So neprofessionalno was performed robot — crocodile, though he met the teenager, just starting to learn the basics of Autodesk 3ds Max and. But the main problem is not how he turned out badly, it’s not even so important, because the film was made for peanuts, and the plot!

Here begins the most interesting, the plot with the crocodile robot, at least that was ridiculous! The military launched into space secret space ship, with the cargo in which the droids were small-nanimity, due to a malfunction and the burden falls nanomite enter the body of a crocodile and now he stupidly killing people is the whole story, as written in the synopsis. You can just read the synopsis, not watching the film, the effect is the same! For the timing, the storyline is not developed, all rests on two points of the “people” and “the crocodile”. Either in the frame or crocodile!

Summary: Robo-crocodile extremely incompetent, senseless and unnecessary film. Strongly recommend to stay away from him, as far as possible.



Robocroc 2013