20 Votes

hot_box_1972_poster The Hot Box

Year: 1972

Duration: 01:28:29

Directed by: Joe Viola

Actors: Carmen Argenziano, Margaret Markov, Andrea Cagan, Rick Richardson, Laurie Rose

Language: English

Country: Philippines | USA

Also known as: Hell Cats, Epanastasi stous Tropikous

Description: Four nurses working in prison, the rebels kidnapped and taken away to the jungle …

Ripped from an old PAL , here's a sleazy
slice of classic ‘grindhouse’ WIP from Director
Joe Viola ( -72) and
Producer Ted Demme ( -74).
Released in U.S.A as the fantastically tilled
this has 4 sexy nurses getting kid-

napped and held prisoner in the Philippine jungle
by ‘People's ARMY? rebels who want to ransom
them off, look up up their skins and watch ‘em in
the shower.... while they kill 2000 soldiers with
big machine guns, granades and political ideals.
Cat tights, Explosions, screams of 'AAARRGHHl!’
and a thick serving of &A sexploitation! EnjoY

Review: The Hot Box is one of my favorite women in captivity type movies. Silence of the Lambs director Jonathan Demme penned this masterpiece in which these four nurses in bikinis get captured by some revolutionaries only to end up in the hands of the philippine military who abuse them with impunity. More importantly, these women are hot and frequently nude. The lovely B-Movie star Margaret Markov is probably best known to everyone as she starred in The Arena and Black Mama White Mama with Pam Grier. She has  her bikini top cut open by a revolutionary then she spits in the asshole’s face while his compatriots laugh. Later she takes a few dips in the river along with the other hot women because they need to clean off that jungle sweat and show us their tits. The prolific Charles Dierkop, Detective Pete Royster of Policewoman fame, plays the evil Major Dubay perfectly. He strips real life porn star Laurie Rose in fine fashion and we leave our damsel in distress about to be beaten on the ass and presumably raped. This is the biggest flaw in an otherwise excellent film. It begs the question. How badly did he beat her ass? If he raped her did he sodomize her? Orally or anally or both? Since we must use our imagination, I say all of the above. She was passed out so he woke her up by gagging her with his … There’s a bit more stripping which helps the nudity rating reach 4 stars. On a trivial note, Andrea Cagan, who slipped by our misogynist militia without a scratch, is now a respected author.



The Hot Box 1972