Devochka movie

Year: 2008

Duration: 02:08:47

Directed by: Elena Nikolaeva

Actors: Elena Nikolaeva, Alexander Lazarev, Jr., Maria Poroshina, Tatiana Dogileva, Evdokia Germanova, Valery Barinov, Eugene Dvitrieva, Daria Charusha, Olga Khokhlova

Language: Russian

Country: Russia

Also known as: Девочка

Description: Lena Yartseva Moscow school girl. She has a typical family of modest means. Lena loves to dream of a good life and a lot of time in the nearby shopping center, where the realm of dreams, and the mirror looks at her reflection – usually clad girls. Too much of a difference between her parents’ wishes and possibilities. Perfectionism, anger, temper originate Lena quarrels with his parents and leaves the house.

The internal crisis of the soul and the will – poorly understood and predictable process. Sometimes not enough trouble to change, sometimes, it turns out, just look at yourself in the mirror. Sharp needle compassion and love for yourself pierced Lena, when she saw my reflection …

Review: Prison – not a pleasant place, and definitely not the ultimate dream … is a place where broken destiny, life. Although, if you’re already there, then life is lost long before. And Lena was right when she said Yartsev everyone here consider themselves innocent, they sit because of the injustice. Perhaps these and truly is. But at the same time, there are “innocent”, which for the case of lines dangle. And no matter what you have sitting for murder (drugs, money fraud), it is important that you need to understand that such a life – not yours. After all, people, and especially women, who fall behind bars, also want a normal life. Normal relationships, love, tenderness … freedom! Life is not divided into “before” and “after.” And freedom, and its restriction – life. And what would not have been this freedom, it can not be bad, it’s the most beautiful thing in this life!

Film realistic. Especially the beginning. In fact, probably all it was a beginning. In search of light and beautiful life, young people decide on such things. And, thank God, if all will end well. I mean, if all does not end with death, and the struggle and recovery. And best of all, just do not be in such a situation. That would not happen to remember that someone worse than you. And most importantly – in this world there is someone who loves you, and wants all the best. Do not forget that the life and liberty – that is best in man. And we must fight for everything that is given to you by fate!

The lessons of the film. And besides, it is not necessary to use drugs, teaches human relation to all those around you. But also, I think, we ought to remember that the prison – not staying in a five star hotel in the Canary Islands … it’s something else. And the fact that there is such a good relationship and understanding – the movie, only a movie. I want to believe that in fact it is so. And I want to believe that such a prince with the radio “Russia” will not only prisoners.



Devochka (The Girl) 2008
