Mujeres de media noche movie

Year: 1990

Duration: 01:33:00

Directed by: Christian González

Actors: Yirah Aparicio, Braulio Baez and Roberto Ballesteros

Language: Spanish

Country: Mexico

Also known as: 

Description:  “Mujeres de Medianoche” is unusual in the sense that this is a violent serial killer story within an inane comedy involving Anacleto Delgadillo (Roberto Ballesteros who played in Mujer de cabaret). The movie opens with the serial killer butchering a prostitute with a set of six knives plunged in her chest. The story then moves to an antique store where Anacleto works. He is abused by his supervisor yet he always ends up with the upper hand with the owner and with the two female store clerks. The employees of the store agree to pay for a gift to the owner (Jose “Tun Tun” Ruiz). A mix up in the mail ends delivering the telescope, meant to the owner, to Anacleto. He and his friend Leandro start watching girls on the building across. It is between Anacleto, Leandro and his wife that most of the humorous double-talk occurs. This includes Leandro being abused by his Cuban wife who beats him any chance he misbehaves. Anacleto falls in love with a girl (Miss “G”) who works as a model. As the story develops the camera cuts to three additional victims of the serial killer, who is named “El descuartizador” (the ripper) by the local media. The girls are tied up and tortured before he kills them with one or more knives. Anacleto suspects that one of the neighbors in the building, which he keeps monitoring with the telescope, is the killer but he cannot prove it and he ends up in jail for misleading the authorities. Miss G, falls for Anacleto for no other good reason that he is a nice guy who was worried for her. She bails him out of jail. Miss “G” has been working as a model for the killer. He finally decides to get rid of her…



Mujeres de media noche
