Witch's Brew movie
Witch's Brew movie Run time: 1h 27min
Witch's Brew movie Rating: 7.0
Witch's Brew movie Genres: Comedy,Horror
Witch's Brew movie Director: Chris LaMartina
Witch's Brew movie Writers: Chris LaMartina, Midnight Crew Studios, Nevetsmind Productions

Witch's Brew movie Stars: Chris Magorian, Gary-Kayi Fletcher, Ryan Thomas

Witch's Brew movie Year: 2011
Witch's Brew movie Source: Witch's Brew movie
A pretty fun little horror comedy from the director of PRESIDENT’S DAY, Chris LaMartina, that borrows from the immortal STREET TRASH, but is great in its own right. The plot concerns a pair of slacker microbrewers who end up with their latest batch being cursed by an angry witch. Like STREET TRASH, it results in just about anyone drinking it either coming to a bad end — or doing harm to others. Great, splattery fun, with the bloodiest toilet scene since DEADGIRL …
Country: USA
Language: English

Witch’s Brew 

