Golden Night movie

Year: 1976

Duration: 01:19:19

Directed by: Serge Moati

Actors: Bernard Blier, Klaus Kinski, Marie Dubois

Language: French | English Subtitles

Country: France | West Germany

Also known as: Nuit d’or, Die Nacht aus Gold, 

Description: A man thought to be dead comes back and wants to take his revenge. 

Review: Serge Moati’s Nuit d’or also known as Golden Night is a seldom seen (in my opinion) surreal masterpiece, as far as I know this film has never seen a release on home video, which it certainly deserves, to show my support for this film and it’s entire production, I have included the original soundtrack as composed by Pierre Jansen which I purchased online especially for this upload, as expected the OST is only available on vinyl, however is by no means as rare as the film itself, I am surprised this has the votes it has, I was lucky to catch this broadcast some time ago and it was only shown twice, I was not going to let it pass though…

This French-West German co-production tells the story of a maniac (Klaus Kinski – Fruits of Passion and Lifespan) who survives a suicide attempt and tries to kill his relatives one after another to take his revenge, the story is mean, but the settings, the photography and the colors are great. The backgrounds consist of dark old houses in Paris, streets at night and surreal colored interiors, like a mixture between Krimi and Giallos, also featured are some really bizarre scenes, like a bound, gagged and hanged schoolgirl in a kitchen or an old lady with heavy make-up humiliating a dwarf – scenes that could be from Buñuel or Fellini.



Golden Night 1976

