White Fire movieVivre pour survivre (original title)

White Fire movie Run time: 1h 41min
White Fire movie Rating: 4.3
White Fire movie Genres: Action,Drama,Thriller
White Fire movie Director: Jean-Marie Pallardy

White Fire movie Writers: Jean-Marie Pallardy

White Fire movie Stars: Robert Ginty, Fred Williamson, Belinda Mayne

White Fire movie Year: 1985
White Fire movie Source: White Fire movie
Boris and Ingrid Donnelly are young siblings turned orphans when their parents are murdered. Raised by Sam, all three get involved in stealing diamond from the mines where she works.  Their enterprise is marred by villains who are after the gems and are responsible for killing Ingrid who before her death discovers the White Fire, a 2,000 carat diamond.  Her brother meets a woman who agrees to undergo plastic surgery to look like his sister so they can continue their diamond venture.  In their determination to retrieve the precious stone, different threads weave their way to an inevitable ending.
Country: Turkey, France, UK
Language: French
Also known as: Valkoinen tuli, White Fire – Der Todesdiamant,

White Fire 

